
The Law of Attraction


The Law of Attraction is a law just like gravity, and it works whether you believe it or not. 

What you focus on, you can get more of… what you imagine, you can have! 

As a Law of Attraction Coach, I utilize the principles that became popular with the book The Secret. But there’s more to it than most people realize, and a lot to learn.

You have to practice, and I can help you to:

  • Awaken the power deep within you buried by years of programming  

  • Rediscover who you’ve always been but somehow forgot

  • Ditch the old stories that no longer serve you and develop new ones that harness the energy to create the life you’ve always imagined - of happiness, love, freedom, clarity and purpose!

Learn that…

You always had this power, and how powerful your thoughts are.

You can use your emotions as a guiding force to know if you’re on the right path.

You can identify and clear your limiting beliefs and gain control over the negative chatter in your head.

No matters what comes your way, you’ll be focused on what really matters and what you want in life.

I look forward to working with you and holding space for your expansion into the person who is excited for what the day brings and for what the future holds - knowing that you have the power to be, do or have anything that your heart desires.

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Spiritual Empowerment Coaching

  • 12 weekly one hr. 1:1 Zoom calls

  • Focus on completing and implementing strategies from Modules delivered weekly via email

  • Individualized coaching continued after coursework

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12-Week Group Coaching

  • Biweekly one and a half hour coaching call with peers via Zoom

  • An hour strategy call to identify individual needs and overall vision for your future

  • Offered several times a year

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  • Coaching (6 months - 1 year)

  • Weekly one hour 1:1 coaching calls via Zoom

  • Identify areas of focus, goals and identify a plan of action that feels aligned and inspired