I love this photo… Kelly

I love this photo… Kelly

Have you had those moments of doubt that life will turn out the way you envisioned it?  Maybe that life is for someone else and not you?

Every once in a while I get frustrated with the pace of how my business is growing… and in those moments of doubt - I have a choice.  I can go down the rabbit hole of self-sabotage, worry, insecurities or just plain fear… or I can remember my vision and all that I am doing to get there.

I can remember just how far I’ve come and that I am enough.  I can remember my core beliefs - everything is always working out for me, everything happens in Divine timing and I have everything I need!  Every day I am doing the best I can and when I am not, I recognize there is a reason and I give myself grace.

It took me a while to recognize that I am in control of my thinking and that I get to choose.

If you don’t remember…  you always have a choice.  Are you coming from a place of love or fear.  In everything I do I’m either coming at it from love or fear.  When I became aware of this, it changed everything because I could then decide to always come from love even when things weren’t easy.

I was surprised that the more I practiced this awareness the easier it became to come from love.
