We are powerful beings that decided to come and have a human experience and that experience is both daunting and exhilarating.
How we choose to perceive what happens gives it a particular meaning at any moment in time! And that is how choice can make such a difference in someone’s life.
It reminds me of an example that I would give to the new trainees at my last job - they’d be responsible for interacting with so many people and in the end be the face of the organization to some degree so we wanted them to be intentional in how they interacted.
Imagine that you are driving your car home from a long day at work and someone cuts right in front of you and your natural response (program) is to get angry, maybe yell some obscenities or make some gesture of frustration. Now imagine that same scenario but somehow you know that the reason that person cut in front of you was because they had just received word that their child had been involved in a very serious accident and they were rushing to the hospital?
Did your perception/feelings change about the incident? Imagine that in any situation that comes your way you have no idea what that person is going through and that sometime (we have all done this) we don’t act in a way we would normally. We can choose how we want to perceive and act. You would want some grace. You would appreciate compassion.
And so, as we travel this journey called life we get to choose how we want to act, how we want to feel and what thoughts we want to think.
What does that look like for you? How do you typically react?
Did you realize you have a choice?